Preserving Orlando’s Lake Eola Park | Our Ultimate Goal
Many of us who grew up in Orlando and raised our families here have been watching downtown grow and density increase with condominiums, restaurants, bars, and businesses flourishing.
We have supported the growth of our city. However, we cannot support high rise buildings that will encroach and threaten the green space and park land that we have loved since it was deeded to the City of Orlando by Jacob Summerlin in 1883 with the stipulation to remain park space in perpetuity.
Currently, the Orlando Land Trust is purchasing the Murrell property on the corner of Rosalind Ave and Central in order to protect and expand Lake Eola Park. Once the transaction is complete, we will donate the land to the City of Orlando with a deed restriction specifying it must always be used for park space. This endeavor is an investment in the quality of life and the ongoing vitality of the City leaving a legacy for future generations.
As you consider the effects of preserving Lake Eola Park and its impact on downtown Orlando, please look at what the corner could look like once it becomes the Western gateway to Lake Eola Park.
Rendering donated to the Orlando Land Trust by Dix Hite and Partners, Inc.